
Next meeting is on 30th April 2024 at 10a.m., in the Town Hall studio room.

The Constitution for our group


Constitution: Adopted 10th October 2023 at the Annual General Meeting

1. Name 

The name of the group shall be The Selby and District Family History Group, hereinafter known as the Group. 

2. Objective

The Objective of the Group shall be to promote research into Family History. 

The Group shall have regular meetings with speakers to help and encourage members in their research and by providing sufficient access to material to assist in this research. 

With regard to meetings, for reasons of good governance, when necessary, to hold any further committee meetings or AGM online, using Zoom or Google meet, and/or as a hybrid meeting (with a socially distant number of members physically present complying with Covid rules and others online). This also applies to normal group meetings.

The Group shall work together helping each other in any way possible to encourage our mutual interests. 

Members shall have an interest in Family History 

3. Officers of the Group 

The Officers shall consist of :- Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Training Officer

4. Committee

The business of the Group shall be managed by a committee consisting of The Officers, and 

up to 7 elected members of the group. 

Each committee member shall serve a three year term in office and then retire for at least one year after which they will be eligible for re-election for a further three year term. This will benefit the Group by providing continuity within the committee. The committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur throughout the year. The committee shall hold a minimum of 3 meetings per year. Every matter shall be decided by a majority vote of members present and voting with the Chairperson having a second deciding vote in the event of a tied decision. The committee shall keep a record of its meetings. The committee may appoint sub-committees as they are required. A sub-committee shall contain at least two elected committee members. Records of its meetings shall be kept. 

5. Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings (AGMs and EGMs)

An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in October of each year.

Officers of the Group, members of the committee and an Auditor or Examiner of the Accounts will be elected at the AGM by a majority vote of members present and voting. At least 28 days notice of an AGM or of an Extraordinary General Meeting(EGM) shall be given to members. Nominations of Officers and of members of the committee shall be made in writing and be received by the Secretary not less than 14 days before the AGM. 20 members of the Group will constitute a quorum for an AGM or EGM. 

6. Income and Expenditure 

The Group may receive subscriptions, donations, grants or financial guarantees, all of which shall be applied, solely, towards the activities of the Group. The Group's accounts shall be certified by an auditor or examiner at the end of each financial year and be presented to the Group at the AGM. The monies raised shall be paid into a bank account held in the name of The Selby and District Family History Group. Such an account shall have at least two signatories, approved by the committee, to be used on any cheques from the Group account. The Group financial year shall run from 1st July until 30th June.

7. Subscriptions

All members shall pay an agreed subscription, payable annually from the first Group meeting in September, and should be paid by October 31st. An entrance fee shall be paid by the members at each meeting. This fee shall be set at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). New visitors should be required to pay an entrance fee and asked after two visits if they would like to become members. If research is required, this is only carried out for paid-up members.

8. Conduct of Members 

If any member behaves, or allegedly behaves, in a manner likely to bring disrepute to the Group, or its members, that member may be asked to attend an enquiry before a sub-committee and Chairperson. The findings of the enquiry will be reported to the full committee and, if the facts are proven, a caution may be issued to the member and if the committee so decide his or her membership of the Group will be withdrawn. 

9. Alteration to the Constitution 

No alteration to this Constitution may be made except by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at a Group AGM or EGM. 

10.  Honorary Members 

The committee may nominate as Honorary Members a member who has given good service to the Group or is ill and unable to attend meetings regularly. The nomination must receive a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at a Group AGM or EGM. Such Honorary Members will pay no subscription or entrance fees. 

11. Dissolution  

(a) The Selby and District Family History Group may be dissolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. Notice of this Meeting must be given to all members not less than 14 days before the date it is to take place. 

(b) Such a proposal to dissolve the Group shall take effect only if agreed by a two thirds majority of the members present and voting at the meeting. 

(c) Any surplus funds or assets of the Group remaining after its dissolution shall be given or transferred to such other Family History Group or voluntary organization having similar objectives as the members of the Group may determine or failing that to a charity or charities. 

12. Copies.  

All members shall have access to a copy of the constitution on the website and any subsequently updated constitution. A paper copy is available on request from the Secretary and displayed in the Group's cupboard at the meeting place.