
Next meeting is on Tuesday 30th July 2024 at 10a.m., in the Town Hall studio room.


                          Welcome to our website

The next meeting is in the Town Hall studio room on Tuesday 30th July 2024 at 10a.m. It is a research, training and copying session, the last before our summer break.
Breaking news- we won the award for best decorated stall at the Fun Day!!

Once again, we have been kindly supported by Selby Town Council for 2024. It is very much appreciated and enables us to continue our activities.

Look out for items on Facebook, on our page, Selby District Family History. If you need help, contact our Secretary on

 About us

We are a small friendly group with an interest and passion in family history. 

We were formed in May 2001 from a short Workers Education Family History Course.

We have  visiting speakers, workshops and outings to enhance our knowledge.  We enjoy sharing our experiences and our family treasures at regular "members-led" sessions.  

We usually finish our meetings with coffee and conversations.

We welcome new members

You do not need to have a family from the Selby district, just an interest in family history.

If you want to pop along for a "taster", we meet most Tuesday mornings in the rear room at Selby Town Hall at 10.00 am.

Map showing Selby Town Hall

The rear entrance to Selby Town Hall.

We are grateful to the organisations shown below, who have helped us
 over the years.